Pam 00:00
Hey, fellow mathematicians! Welcome to the podcast where Math is Figure-Out-Able! I'm Pam.
Kim 00:06
And I'm Kim.
Pam 00:07
And this episode is a MathStratChat episode, where we chat about our math strategies. Every Wednesday evening, I throw out a math problem on social media, and people from around the world chat about strategies they use and comment on each other's thinking.
Kim 00:21
Okay, so this past week, our problem was 351 plus 347. We're wondering how you would solve this problem. Pause the podcast. The problem is 351 and 200... Liar. It was 351.
Pam 00:36
You can do it Kim. You can do it.
Kim 00:39
And 347. Solve it, and then come on back to hear how we solve it.
Pam 00:43
So, both of them were 300s, right? 351 and 347?
Kim 00:47
351 and 347.
Pam 00:49
Okay, I'm going to pull a Kim, and I'm going to think about 351 and 350.
Kim 00:56
Pam 00:56
Because I know that 350 and 350 is 700, and so 351 and 350 is 751. And then, I'm just going to back up. I 'overed' by 3, so I got a backup 3. 751, backup 3, is 748. Okay, what's your strategy?
Kim 01:15
I think I'm loving the 350 and 350. I think you did something with that last week. So, 350 and 350 is 700. The first 350 had 1 too much. And the second supposed 350 had 3 too few. So, 1 too much, and 3 too few is negative 2. So, I also got 748.
Pam 01:35
Mmhm. Because negative 2 from that 750. 7... Wait. No.
Kim 01:54
So, 350 and 350 is 700.
Pam 01:58
Yeah, but I said 748. I said 750.
Kim 02:01
Oh, did you? Did I? Maybe because I said that.
Pam 02:03
Oh my gosh.
Kim 02:04
You know what I didn't do, Pam.
Pam 02:06
I think we have to totally re-record this whole thing.
Kim 02:10
Oh. Why?
Pam 02:12
Because I said 350 and 350 is 750.
Kim 02:17
Was I not listening to your whole strategy?
Pam 02:19
Pretty sure not.
Kim 02:25
It's so classic. I was like, "Cool. I'm thinking about what I'm going to do."
Pam 02:30
So, now here's the decision. Do we play this? Or do we re-record because I mean...
Kim 02:34
I mean, I'll own it. I don't care.
Pam 02:36
Do you want to own it? Alright, I'm going to try that again, everybody. I wasn't listening. That's alright. 351 and 350 is not 751
Kim 02:45
No, it's not. Everybody's in their car is screaming at us right now.
Pam 02:50
It's 701. Holy, wow. And now, I got a backup 3. And so, that's 698. Wow! Okay. Should we tell people I'm sick? No. Let's just keep going. Keep going. That's my excuse.
Kim 03:05
If we never made a mistake any other time (unclear).
Pam 03:07
Your excuse is that you were thinking about your own strategy. Okay, so do your own strategy correctly now.
Kim 03:11
Okay. So, 350 and 350, if that was the problem would be 700. I just put a checkmark on my paper. The first 351 is 1 too much. But the second 350 that I called it, was 3 too little. So, 1 too much, and 3 too little. And I actually think I said 2 too little before.
Pam 03:39
No, no. You ended up with 2 too little.
Kim 03:40
Pam 03:40
Minus 2. You ended up with (unclear).
Kim 03:41
Okay. Alright. So minus 2 would be 698. And here's the thing, I didn't write anything down the first time. I was like, "Oh, I'll hold that."
Pam 03:51
You just bought it when I said 350 and 350 was 750.
Kim 03:55
I totally did.
Pam 03:56
Yeah. You're just like, "Well, I'm going to take that total (unclear)."
Kim 03:58
Well, I was holding stuff in my head. I should have jotted a number down, right? Don't hold it in your head. You don't have to.
Pam 04:05
Yeah. And, you know, that's such an interesting thing because we're hearing so many arguments these days about working memory. And you know what? We can take care of that by just jotting down our thinking, and then we don't have to hold all that stuff in there. And then, hey, maybe we won't think 350 and 350 is 750. Maybe it's 700, like it actually is. Alright. Doubles are important.
Kim 04:26
Okay. Well, we can't wait to see if you've got 698 like we did and what your strategy was. Represent your thinking, take a picture, so that we can see your modeling. And tell the world on social media. And while you're there, write about what you did and write about what other people did too. Comment on their thinking. They love that.
Pam 04:44
Yeah. And while you're at it, tag me on social media and use the hashtag MathStratChat. And make sure you check out our MathStratChat problem that we post every Wednesday around 7pm Central Time, and then hop back here to hear what we're thinking about the problem. Let's keep spreading the word that Math is Figure-Out-Able!