Math is Figure-Out-Able!

#MathStratChat - December 27, 2023

Pam Harris

In today’s MathStratChat, Pam and Kim discuss the MathStratChat problem shared on social media on December 27, 2023. 

Note: It’s more fun if you try to solve the problem, share it on social media, comment on others strategies, before you listen to Pam and Kim’s strategies.

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Pam  00:01

Hey, fellow mathematicians! Welcome to our podcast where Math is Figure-Out-Able! I'm Pam.


Kim  00:07

And I'm Kim.


Pam  00:08

And this is a MathStratChat episode, where we chat about our math strategies. Every Wednesday evening, I throw out a math problem on social media and people from around the world chat about the strategies they use, and comment on each other's thinking.


Kim  00:21

Hey, do you ever say your name, and think it sounds weird?


Pam  00:23

(laughs) Yes. 


Kim  00:25

Okay. Alright, this Wednesday our math problem was...


Pam  00:29

Are you saying when you just said your name?


Kim  00:30

I said Kim. When I say Kim, it sounds weird.


Pam  00:32

Okay. Except, I was just in Alabama not too long ago.


Kim  00:35

Oh, I know where you're going with this.


Pam  00:37

There were four people named Kim in the audience. And I would say, What's your name?" And they would go, "Kim." I can't even say right. It's like had four syllables. Kim. 


Kim  00:46



Pam  00:48

Now, Alabamans, hear me clearly. I am not making fun of your accent. I love accents! I think they're so cool. And I really hope we don't lose them. But every time somebody. You know, I had no idea there would be that many people whose name was Kim.


Kim  01:02

So, I should have said, "And I'm Kim."


Pam  01:05

Then, I would have cracked up even more than I am now. 


Kim  01:06

Okay, okay, okay. Our problem this week is 33 times 66. And we are wondering how you would like to solve this problem. Pause the podcast. Solve it however you want. You get the freedom to choose. Problem is 33 times 66.


Pam  01:23

Alright, Kim. 


Kim  01:25



Pam  01:25



Kim  01:25



Pam  01:26

Kim. Should we mention the first time I heard that was Robin, our friend from Longview? Shout out to Robin in Longview, Texas 


Kim  01:34

I love Robin.


Pam  01:35

Who would say "Kim". 


Kim  01:36



Pam  01:38

And she would call, "Pam, Pam". Yeah, it was fantastic. Our one syllable names grew in length a lot with Robin. Alright, I'm thinking about thirty-three 66s. 


Kim  01:51

Okie doke. 


Pam  01:52

I'm thinking about 66s, and I'm thinking to myself If I can find three of them, then I can scale to find 30 of them. So, I got to be honest. I hadn't thought about how I was going to find three of them till right now. I could find three 60s which is 180. And then, three 6s which is 18 and add those together to get 198. So, that's three 66s. 


Kim  02:23



Pam  02:24

So, then thirty 66s. If three 66s was 198, then 30 of them would be 10 times that, which is 1,980. 


Kim  02:32



Pam  02:33

And then, I'm going to add those three 66s to the thirty 66s. Add the 198 to 1,980. And now, I'm going to have think for just a second. 1,980 and 20 is 2,000. And I was supposed to add 198, so I have 178 left. And so, 2,000 and 178 is 2,178 for thirty-three 66s. Yeah?


Kim  02:58

Um... I don't know. I didn't write your numbers down. So, to be honest, I was listening to what you were saying, but I didn't write your numbers down. So, I have no idea. 


Pam  03:05

Let's hope I just add those correctly. I'm looking at them again. Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Well, we'll compare it to what you did. Or what you do.


Kim  03:15

Yeah, I haven't done it yet. So, 33 times 66. I got to try the 11s because they're there. 


Pam  03:23



Kim  03:23

So, I'm going to go 33 is 3 times 11 and 66 is 11 times 6. So, I'm rearranging, and I'm calling that 121 times 18. 


Pam  03:38



Kim  03:39

Okay, so...


Pam  03:42

That doesn't sound like you're very excited. 


Kim  03:44

Well, I don't love it. But I do remember that I didn't love last week's, then I charged on. So, 1,000... No. 121 times 10 is 1,210. And then, I've got 121 times 8. And last week, I did 121 times 4, and I was really okay with that one because it was 100... Oh, I can't remember what it was now. It was 484. So, that's 4 of them. So, then double that is going to be 968. So, that's eight 121s. I'm writing down 121 times eight is 968. And I'm going with 1,200 and 900 is 2,100. And 10 and 68 is 78. So, I got 2,178. Is that what you got? 


Pam  04:35

That is what I got. 


Kim  04:36

Okay, sweet. Nice. Hey, so I was super curious. Once you got to the 18 times 121. I would have thought you would have done 20 times 121, and the backed up. You know, if I hadn't done 121 times 4 like just last week. And we literally talked about the 121 times 4 and how simple that was. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have done that again. 


Pam  05:00

Yeah. Okay. Okay. I have a wonder. Once you had... So, this is me wondering out loud in time. I have not wondered about this before. Once you had 3 times 11 times 11 times 6. At least that's the way I wrote it done on my paper.


Kim  05:16



Pam  05:16

I wonder about doing the 18, but then leaving the elevens alone. 


Kim  05:22



Pam  05:22

And I'm wondering about thinking about 18 times 11 because that's like 18 times 10, which is 180, plus 18 times 1, which is 18.


Kim  05:32



Pam  05:32

So, that's 198.


Kim  05:34



Pam  05:35

And then, having the 198 times 11. 


Kim  05:38

Yeah, I like it.


Pam  05:39

Which would be 10 of those 198s, which is 1,980. Plus 1 of those 198, which is 198. And adding those together.


Kim  05:48



Pam  05:48

That's interesting, yeah? 


Kim  05:49



Pam  05:50

Once you have 11s, you can kind of do them one at a time because multiplying by 11 is so nice. 


Kim  05:55



Pam  05:55

It's just 10 and 1. Do you think anybody's tempted out there right now to go, "Just use the 11s trick!" Which... 


Kim  06:01

Oh, don't tell me. I don't know it. 


Pam  06:03

Well, good. So, I'll just say, sure. I could have used quote, unquote, "the 11s trick". Or I can just think about times 10 times 1, and add them together. Not fill my brain with a trick I don't have to fill. And be thinking. And then, recognize patterns like that, that come up, where I don't know that I would recognize them if my brain is just full of a bunch of tricks. Yeah? Anyway. So, nice.


Kim  06:26

Yeah. I like what you're saying about. Because in the last couple of weeks, one of us has kind of factored the factors and kind of rearranged, and re-associated, and found them in a new way. But I like this. Don't automatically assume you re-associate them to make two factors again. I don't know that I... 


Both Pam and Kim  06:53



Pam  06:54

Oh, good.


Kim  06:54

I dig it. Alright, we can't wait to see what you are all thinking. Have you played with factors lately? You should. Represent your thinking. Take a picture of your work. Tell the world about MathStratChat on social media. And while you're there posting your problem, check out what other people did.


Pam  07:12

Yeah, comment on their thinking. That's super fun. And tag me, and use the hashtag MathStratChat. And then, check out the next MathStratChat problem that we post Wednesdays around 7pm Central Time, and come back here to hear how we're thinking about the problem. We love having you as part of the Math is Figure-Out-Able movement. Let's keep spreading the word that Math is Figure-Out-Able!