Math is Figure-Out-Able!

Ep 220: The Important Teacher Move You Are Not Doing Enough

Pam Harris, Kim Montague Episode 220

How can you intentionally build a Math is FigureOutAble culture in your classroom? In this episode Pam and Kim discuss Pam's recent month long trip to Australia and the important teacher moves she showcased in the lab lessons while she was there. 
Talking Points:

  • Pam's time Down Under
  • Wait time
  • Private Signal
  • Focus on thinking verses focus on the answer
  • A challenge for some students: What hint could you give?
  • Teacher engaged with students the entire time
  • Does every kid need to finish the problem?
  • Do you need more time or help?

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Pam  00:00

Hey, fellow mathers! Welcome to the podcast where Math is Figure-Out-Able. I'm Pam Harris, a former mimicker turned mather.


Kim  00:09

And I'm Kim Montague, a reasoner who now knows how to share her thinking with others. At Math is Figure-Out-Able, we are on a mission to improve math teaching.


Pam  00:17

We know that algorithms are amazing human achievements, but they're not good teaching tools because mimicking step-by-step procedures can actually trap students into using less sophisticated reasoning than the problems are intended to develop. 


Kim  00:31

In this podcast, we help you teach mathing, building relationships with your students, and grappling with mathematical relationships.


Pam  00:38

We invite you to join us to make math more figure-out-able. 


Kim  00:42

Okay, listeners, so sometimes we record these podcasts ahead of time, and sometimes we do it right away because, you know, schedules or whatever. This episode won't come out for a few weeks. But, Pam, you're back! You've been gone for so long!


Pam  00:43

Oh my gosh. That was the longest trip ever.


Kim  01:00

We actually are trying to cram absolutely everything in because Pam's been gone for a month on some fabulous journeys. And we haven't even really spoken, so tell me all about it. Tell us. What's going on?


Pam  01:11

Oh, Kim, I had an amazing experience. 


Kim  01:14



Pam  01:15

Down under. So, I was able to travel to Australia. And I probably traveled a bit too much while I was in Australia.


Kim  01:23

We missed you. 


Pam  01:24

Yeah, it was fantastic. It was kind of one of those things where by the time we kind of arranged all of the gigs that I was doing there, then trying to fit them all in just made it that I traveled a bit. Hey, did you know Australia is like really big.


Kim  01:40

Uh, yeah.


Pam  01:40

Which is kind of funny.


Kim  01:42

The map says so. 


Pam  01:43

My husband was like, "You know, it is a continent." I was like, "Oh, that's true. (unclear)."


Kim  01:47

Were you... I know you went to work so much to see so many schools and whatever, but did you sightsee at all?


Pam  01:54

I did a little, yeah. So, I'll just outline just quickly just because it's fun for me. So, the first thing I did was go to ICME, the International Congress of Mathematics Educators. And that is a every four years conference that goes around the world. And this is actually the first time I've been able to attend. Oh, it's a week long conference, and I just kind of never took that long when my kids were home, and now that I'm an empty nester, it's sort of easier for me to kind of go and be gone for a while. I met so many fantastic people. I don't even want to like start naming names because I'll forget somebody. But Eddie Wu and his growth team were unbelievable, and Tierney Kennedy. And yeah, see, I'm going to... I should stop because I'm just not going to mention everybody. But I had a wonderful. I met several people in the United States that I don't see very often. Tad Watanabe, who often writes a blog post after our podcast episodes. We're so honored that he does that. It was amazing to meet him and chat, such a thoughtful guy. Anyway, I just had an amazingly marvelous time, heard lots and lots of interesting things. It's a bit researchy, I'll say that. Which isn't bad. It's just a little sometimes not as teacher applicable. But that was a whole week. And I did that in Sydney. Again, marvelous time. And then I flew to the Great Barrier Reef. So, I stayed in Cairns and did a snorkeling tour. So, that was the bit of sightseeing.


Kim  03:16

Yeah, that's cool.


Pam  03:17

And I did one other. I'll tell you in a sec. Then I flew to Perth. That's across the country, so that's a bit like flying from New York to LA.


Kim  03:25

Mmhm, yeah. 


Pam  03:26

I had to go through Adelaide. And then I guess I flew the budget airline. Who knew? I don't know. Somebody just told me. But yeah. So, I had to actually check my... I had to get my bag, and then recheck it in Adelaide. 


Kim  03:36



Pam  03:37

I've never had to do that. That was...


Kim  03:38



Pam  03:39 and interesting, yeah. But on domestic flights, you can totally take water. I found that out. So, that's nice. Yeah.


Kim  03:45



Pam  03:45

Anyway, then I had a great day in Perth with the Mathematical Association of Western Australia. What a fantastic group that I worked with there. Thank you so much for having me. Then I flew to Melbourne. I did a day with a school at Bacchus... Oh, Gal. Now, I'm saying the name of the school, wrong. Bacchus... Bacchus Marsh. Sorry, that took me a minute. Bacchus Marsh. A fantastic day with teachers there at that school. Thank you for having me there. And then the next day I was in Melbourne at the Mathematical Association Victoria. Probably the funnest day that I had with educators, just because they laughed at everything I said. I was super funny that day. And I got to meet Michael Minas. I don't even know if I'm saying his last name correctly, but he's fantastic. He has a great YouTube channel with fantastic videos of him and his children playing games. 


Kim  03:45

Oh, yeah. 


Pam  03:46

And I didn't know he was going to be there. And he walked in the room, and he's like, "I don't know if you know me." And I was like, "Oh my gosh! You're the guy with the kids! And Nash! Nash is your kid!" He's like, "You actually do watch my video." Anyway, so it was kind of fun. It was super to meet him. I felt like I met somebody else there that now I'm forgetting. Sorry! Anyway, had a great day with a group of educators there. Such fantastic, thoughtful folks. Then the global IT outage hit while I was in Melbourne. That was a bit of "Ah!" Like, I was trying to get back to Sydney because I had some things planned in Sydney. And I tell you, they tell me that Aussies are laid back. Australia, well done. When I walked into the terminal, there was about 400 people standing with their suitcases all ready to like check in. And nobody's checking in. And, Kim, I looked at the monitor, and I was like, "Like, what's happening?" Because the monitor was just kind of like sitting there. Nothing happening. And so, I turned to this, you know, nice gentleman, who was kind of standing in line. I said, "Hey, you know like, what's happening?" And he goes, "Well, I think there's a global IT outage. We don't really know what's going on." This is not like an airline employee or anything. This is just like some random traveler. And, Kim, everyone in that very, very large terminal was just quietly standing there, just patiently waiting for information about whether their flight was going to get canceled or...


Kim  05:47

I can guarantee there is no city in the United States that was like that. 


Pam  05:51

I mean... And I kind of... I said something, and they were like, "Really? Like, what would they be doing? Like, throwing stuff?" I was like, "No, not throwing stuff. But like people would be agitated, and it would be like..."


Kim  06:01



Pam  06:02

It was so interesting. Anyway, I managed to get a flight back to Sydney. Which I was so glad because here's the second bit of sightseeing. I was able to go on a Blue Mountain tour with a principal for one of the Northern Beaches schools. Luke, thank you. I got to meet his kids and his wife. And oh, it was delightful. And a temperate rainforest. Which is a new experience for me. I had a beautiful, very cold, fantastic day. Now, I grew up in the cold, right? So, I think I know what cold is. And you might say, "Pam, it wasn't that cold." Well, we had snow.


Kim  06:32



Pam  06:32

So, that was kind of cold because I just had a hoodie. And anyway, it was gorgeous, wonderful. So, then back to Sydney, and then northern Sydney in the Northern Beaches. Then I spent a day with 170 K-6 teachers. That was brilliant. And then maybe my highlight of the trip, I was able to do eight lab lessons. That's what they called them. Where I went into four different schools, and I taught kindergarten through year six. And I just... Kim, that's what we were going to... I know I've spent way too much time talking about my trip. Ya'll, if you're just like hating it, you've already tuned out. Too bad. Thank you, for letting me share my trip to Australia. 



The trip of a life time!



Oh, it was just amazing. But, Kim, we wanted to talk maybe a little bit today about some of the things that came out of those lab lessons. So, just to kind of give you a feel for it. I would go to the school, and then I would have just a couple minutes with teachers. I gave them a couple things to maybe think about and look for. And then the children came in. And so, it's that moment where I'm like, "And who are you?" You know like, I've never met these kids before. You know, I don't quite know where their maths. Maths. Did you notice the "s" there?


Kim  07:34

I did. 


Pam  07:34

Maths in Australia. I didn't quite know where the maths are at that moment, and so, you know, I usually played a little bit of a game first or whatever, and then I dove in and chose one of the strings that I kind of had pre-prepared, thinking (unclear).


Kim  07:46

You had more than one prepared for each of the groups?  





Both Pam and Kim  07:49



Pam  07:50

Because I really didn't have any sense for... And I'm so glad I did. There were several times based on the very introductory game that I did that I switched what I kind of thought I was going to do. So, like, for the young ones, I played I Have, You Need a little bit where I showed fingers. And so I said, "How many fingers do you see?" And then, "How many do we need to make 10?"


Kim  08:09



Pam  08:10

I also played guess my number. I'm thinking of a number between 0 and 100, and then they would guess my number. And then based on that, then I would do a Problem String. The part I wanted to share in the podcast today was it was really noteworthy to me that then the... I had the children for about a half an hour. Which, to be clear, is really long with kindergartners.


Kim  08:29

Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.


Pam  08:30

That is a long time.


Kim  08:31

I'm surprised they can hang with you. 


Pam  08:33

Well, so I played a game, and then we did a string, and then I played another game. 


Kim  08:36

Oh yeah, okay.


Pam  08:37

Yeah. So you know, I kept things moving. They were fantastic. I actually was really impressed with the mathematics that were happening in their kindergarten and year one. Yeah, it was quite a bit more than I was expecting, so those were the moments. Those were at least some of the moments where I was glad I had the alternative string handy. As the children then left... Which also, I'll just say, 30 minutes is not that long with year six because in both of the year sixes that I did, I actually went over and didn't realize it. And at one point, the principal's like "[clears throat]" And I was like, "Oh, oh. Sorry, sorry, look at the time. Ah, okay, we're done." And one of them I noticed, and I looked up, and I said, "Can I go one more minute?" And they're like, "Yeah, yeah, we're loving it." So, yeah, it was just interesting.


Kim  09:21

Because there laid back, right? They're laid back. 


Pam  09:23

Oh, they were, so laid back. It was great. You know, just like the right amount of laid back.  It was delightful. Anyway, so then the children would leave, students would leave, and then the teachers and I had at least a half an hour at that point. And so, you know, you never kind of know how that's going to go. 


Kim  09:27



Pam  09:39

Oh, Kim, they were so thoughtful, but here's...


Kim  09:41

Oh, that's the best.  So, hey,


Pam  09:42

Yeah, it was (unclear).


Kim  09:44

I'm going to (unclear). Like, that's great PD. That's like great PD set up.


Pam  09:48

Yes.  Yes. It was brilliant. 


Kim  09:50

(unclear) Preview for like two or three minutes. This is what I'm going to do. Look for this. Do the thing. Debrief. Instantly, if you can. 


Pam  09:58

Well, and let me add to that that we had the day before. So, the day before with the 170 teachers, that were these teachers. So, I had all of these teachers in a room for a discussion for the entire day about real math and mathing.


Kim  10:12

Oh, man. That's awesome. 


Pam  10:14

It really was. It was a really great setup. So, in that 30 minute, the first thing I would do is say, "Take a couple of minutes, turn to a partner, and just let it all out. What are you thinking about? You know like, just like vomit your thoughts." And so, we did that a little bit. And then I said, "Alright, now come back together. What do you want to talk about?" And almost to a T in each of those eight different sessions, the first thing that teacher said was, "You wait a long time." That was (unclear).


Kim  10:45



Pam  10:45

And then they all kind of paused. They're like, "Like, wow. Like, you really wait before you..." And I was like, "Say more about that." And they said, "We just found it so interesting how long you waited." Now, Kim, I'm going to be really clear. There were a couple times that I would kind of categorize it as I waited long, but most of the time I just... I don't think it was all that long. I just think it was longer than many of us are used to waiting. 


Kim  11:13



Pam  11:14

Especially because I wasn't allowing students to just call out. I was asking for a private signal. Now, did kids call out a couple of times? A few times kids would, you know like, pop out an answer, and I would say, "Ah, when you've got an answer..." Most of the time they didn't because I very clearly said before, "I'm about to ask you a question. Before you give me an answer, give me a thumbs up when you have an answer." And I very clearly demonstrate. If you can see me right now, my thumbs in front of my chest.


Kim  11:18

Of course it is. I picture it. I knew you were.  Mmhm.


Pam  11:42

And then the kids would put their hand up, and I would just look at them, and I would put my hand on my chest. And if they didn't get the message, I would put my hand up and move it to a thumb on my chest. And I just... In fact, then the teachers would remark, "Yeah, and then you didn't let it go. Like, as the lesson moved on, 15 minutes later, when you ask another question, the hands went back up. You would remind them again, just quietly." Teachers would often note that I didn't make a big deal about the thumbs up. In fact, I would say, "Oh, yeah..." And I got that going by having this five minute discussion at the beginning and having all the kids practice putting their thumb up and having this big discussion about why, and how, and when. And they would look at me like, "No, you didn't do that at all." I'm like, "Yeah, so you don't need to do that." You just, over and over, you just keep. You're steady that you're not letting kids call out. When they would ask, "Yeah, how did you make it happen?" I think, Kim, an important teacher move is the idea of a private signal. Now, it doesn't have to be a thumb up. We often use thumbs up. I don't know why. I don't know why we chose thumbs up.


Kim  12:41



Pam  12:46

We saw it somewhere. Somebody, the other day, I think in our teacher Facebook group said something about an index finger up. Whatever. I don't care. As long as it's private, right? It's all about not interrupting other kids thinking. What else can you? Help me. What private signal?


Kim  13:01

Well, I appreciate that you said that it wasn't a big like lesson ahead of time, right? It's a simple move, but the biggest issue that we run into are that people are saying, "My kids won't do it," is because the teacher lacks consistency using it over time, over the first day or two that they introduce it, in the first chunk of time. And so,, there's no reason to for students to alter their behavior over the way that they've been giving answers in the past if they kind of can do whatever and they get called on anyway.


Pam  13:35



Kim  13:35



Pam  13:36

Or if they or they can shout out and the teacher runs with it. Mmhm.


Kim  13:39



Pam  13:39

Yeah.  Yeah, so one of the things that came up was that I also... How do I say it? There were specific times where I did have students call out, but that's when I asked for a choral response. So, it's not that I always wait for a thumbs up if the first question or one of the questions in the string is kind of a gimme. It's kind of a, you know, everybody knows. I'm not going to wait long on that. That we have to kind of be conscious of when to wait, when not to wait, and don't put too much onus, don't put too much stress when the problem is too easy. Everybody's got it. If you're like, "Okay, okay, everybody, I really want you to share your thinking on this one." And the kids are all like, "Uh, there's no thinking on this one." Then that's a... It's not wait time all the time. It's only wait time when kids actually need to put some thinking into it. Yeah. So, then one of the things that they would say is, "So, we noticed that you took a long time. You waited." And then, they would kind of... Again, very thoughtful folks, very thoughtful educators. They would say, "But, Pam, what would you do in a class to keep everybody engaged?" Which always makes me smile just a little bit because then I would just shoot back with, "Well, how did I keep everybody engaged?" Now, let me be clear, Kim. I was a guest. It was a new experience. Some of the time we were actually in a different space. In couple of the schools, they brought the kids into the library, so the kids were kind of in this new. So, of course, you could say, "Well, I mean, you know, Pam, you're this guest, whatever. Of course, the kids were acting differently for you." And I would grant that, that is probably partially true. But I would also ask, when we're in it, and the kids have been there for a few minutes, they forget that they're in a new space. They forget. Like, they're just in it. They're just thinking. They're kids. They're just diving in. Whatever. So, what were the things? And I would shoot back, "What were the things" after acknowledging, of course, things were different, but "What were the things that I did? Like, did you notice that there were kids who weren't engaged?" And that actually, I think, caused teachers to be kind of reflective and go, "Oh. Well, yeah. Like, 30 minutes into it, you still had all the kids engaged. Huh. How did you do that?" And then it became less about, like, "How would you do that?" and a little bit more of, like, "How did I do that? Like, what were the kinds of things that happened." And so, you know, I'll just mention a few things. One of them is the private signal. And I know we've just talked about that, but asking for a private signal, gets kids... How do I say this? When asking for a private signal, there were definitely times where I had kids who were about jumping out of their socks. You know like, they had their hand on their chest, and they were beating their chest, you know like with their thumb, and they were like, "Pick me!" and they were done. And I was still waiting for other kids. In that moment, there were definitely a few times where I could get that kid's eye and I could go, "I see you. Like, I see you." And in that moment, that is often enough for a kid to go, "Okay, alright, I have been acknowledged. The teacher has noticed that I'm done. I can kind of take a breath." It's almost that in this age of to be done first is the thing that they're almost like, they can't stop kind of panicking until they get called on. But as soon as they're acknowledged like, "I see you," they can go like, "Okay, alright, I've been seen," and then they can... Not everybody, but many of them can just kind of relax a little bit more. Another thing that I'll mention that was very purposeful is that the discussion then wasn't about answers. It was about thinking. And keeping the discussion centered around thinking has the kids not just, "I got an answer. Call on me." But like, "Ooh, how am I thinking about that?" and giving them a chance to, like, think about stuff. Not just like, "I'm done. I have an answer call on me."


Kim  13:42

Well, I'm going to jump in because when you have a classroom that's focused on answers, and somebody says "14," like all you can do is hear the number. There's literally nothing you can do to think about that. But when you call in a kid and what you're asking them to do is describe and use words to talk about their thinking and the strategy they use. Then, you have to be cognitively involved to listen to what they're saying. And you almost can't not picture it. Like, you're listening and you're trying to make sense of what they're saying, and so you're more involved. And for some students who have some, you know, alternative strategies, they're thinking about what that person said and almost instantly comparing to what they did.


Pam  18:11

Connecting to their thinking, Mmhm, mmhm. Yeah.


Kim  18:13

"Is this like what I did? Is it different than what I did?" And I'm sure you're then also asking, if that didn't happen naturally, you're saying, "How is that like what so and so did?"


Pam  18:24

Yeah, absolutely. One other thing that I did a few times was there was a couple of times where I was pretty clear in... Yeah. I was about to say in older grades classes, but I'm not actually sure. So, in a few situations where I was pretty sure that I had a few students who were kind of checked out. And I just... Kim, you and I both can't abide that, right? Like, we will do everything we can to make sure that kid knows that their job is to be cognitively involved. 


Kim  18:55

Yeah, mmhm.


Pam  18:56

And so... Now, we don't use those words with kids, right? 


Kim  18:59

"Be cognitively involved!"


Pam  19:01

Yeah, we would not say that. But what we would do is look at that kid and we would like raise our eyebrows, and we would be like, "Are you thinking about it? Like, oh..." And we might repeat the question. We might say, "It's everyone's job right now to be thinking about that." So, there was at least a couple instances where I was like, "I want to make sure these kids have enough time to think about it. And I even made a beeline at one point. I said, "Turn and talk to your partner about what you're thinking about." And I walked right over to this one particular young lady, and I said, "What are you thinking about?" And she kind of looked at me, and I was like, "The problem is this." And she's like, "Right, okay." And I could tell she kind of clicked in, and I walked away. I was like, once she clicked in, I was like, "Okay, good. You're thinking about it." There was another time where I said, "Hey, if you're..." There were, I don't know, probably three or four, maybe five or six, kids that were just jumping out of their... They were sitting on the floors, and so they were kind of like bouncing. And I wanted to just kind of calm them a little bit while everybody else was thinking. And so I said, "If you've got something, what hint could you give that won't give it away. It won't give it away. But what hint could you give?" That can be a really good way to get kids who are ready to kind of... You know, they've got some really good thinking going on. They're ready to say their answer, and they're kind of getting a little bored. It's going on a little bit longer. To kind of keep them going thinking about stuff. A hint. Anytime you sort of generalize or ask kids to kind of give a hint is a really nice way to kind of keep kids going while other kids are thinking. 


Kim  19:01

Yeah, so... Do you have more?


Pam  19:04

Well, go ahead.


Kim  19:15

I was going to say something else. So, globally, everything that you're saying, I just want to summarize in that you are engaging with the students the entire time. And I know that can be really tricky, and it's a lot on teachers’ plates, but never are you like reading the next part of your lesson or doing attendance if you were... And I know you don't have to do that now visiting classrooms.


Pam  20:52



Kim  20:53

But once the time starts...


Pam  20:55

I didn't walk around and chat with teachers.


Kim  20:57

Yeah, yeah. This is a communication between you and the students the entire time. So, the eye contact, the nodding, the raising your eyebrow, then walking over to them, the reminding the kid who did check out for a minute, "Hey, we're on this problem now". Like, all of that is managing what's happening in the classroom and during that lesson. And I think it's fair to say that sometimes we get distracted and do other things, and then we wonder why, you know, students are also not fully engaged. And I don't think you've said this yet. When you say you have long wait time. Not long. Enough wait time. It's also not that you're waiting for every single student to put their thumb up and to be ready to go.


Pam  21:40

Mmm, that's a good point. Yeah. In fact, one of the beginning... I don't want to say mistakes, but one of the things teachers do when they begin to do Problem Strings is they actually tend to wait. They'll walk around and wait until every kid has finished the problem. 


Kim  21:56



Pam  21:57

And I think that's what you're getting at.


Kim  21:59



Pam  21:59

You don't have to wait until all thumbs are up. You don't have to wait until every kid's finished. But you do wait longer than when just kids yell out an answer. It's longer than that, but it's not so long that everyone's bored in the class. 


Kim  22:12

There's a sweet spot. Yeah,


Pam  22:14

There is a sweet spot. 


Kim  22:15

The more you do work on wait time, the better you will get at finding the sweet spot with different groups of kids.


Pam  22:21

And that's definitely, I think, one of the professional things that we get better at as professionals. The more that... And that would be a great thing to have somebody come in and watch you. And literally, that could be the thing that they sort of look for is your wait time and give you feedback on what they thought about it. If you video yourself teaching, that would be a fantastic thing for you to kind of share with each other. Kim, one other thing that I wanted to just mention that happened that I feel like is an important teacher move that teachers brought up and that we talked about is in a couple of those lab lessons that I did, students... When I was waiting, students kind of turned and whispered, or, you know like, "32," or whatever. Like, some sort of answer to the student that I was waiting for. And in that instant, something that I've been cultivating for a while, that I've been thinking about for a while, and I've been getting better at, is I very politely said, "Oh no, it's okay. This person's got that. You don't need to..." Say it was Kim. "Kim's got that. Kim gets to decide if she wants time or help. So, giving her the answer that just turns her brain off. Like, that's not actually helpful. So, Kim, you get to decide." And then I'm talking right at that kid, and I go, "Do you want their help? Or do you got this?" And the kids like, "Yeah." "Or do you want some more time?" And one of the time, the kid said, "No, I've got this," and said the answer, and said they're thinking. Another of the time the kid said, "Yeah, actually, I do want some help." And I said, "Well, then you can choose who you want to call on." And they called on one of their friends. And one of the times the kid said, "I think I just need more time. I just need more time." And I was like, we're going to give you some more time." Thank you, Kim for helping me with those words and that concept of giving kids time or help. And I love this idea of giving kids that agency. They get to choose. Teachers in every one of those lessons brought that up as that that was super interesting for them to think about. So, I would offer to everybody, if your classroom is all about answers, then yeah, kids might dive in to try to save a kid. But if your classroom is about thinking, you can't tell some kid how to think. And then kids don't need saving there. They get the agency to talk about time or help. Yeah, cool.


Kim  24:34

Love that. So, I've been thinking as you've been describing these lab lessons. Like, lab lessons from Australia. I love this. So, you know, I think it would be really interesting for whoever's listening right now to send this to their teaching partner or a friend on campus, or, you know, their math coach or leader, and say, "Hey, can you listen to this episode? And then let's decide a thing that you talked about today. 

Like, a thing or two. Do you want to..." 



A teacher move?



Yeah, some teacher move. Whatever. Pick a thing. And then say, "Hey, which of these things do you want to work on? Which do I want to work on? Do you want to pick the same things?" And then get together and, like, share time in each other's classrooms. Maybe you watch them and you take some notes about what they wanted to work on. Maybe they watch you. Look for what you did similarly. Like, if you say, "Okay, hey, let's work on wait time, and then I watch you. You watch me. How long did you wait? Why did you wait? Was that long



Kim  25:32



Pam  25:33

Was it too long?


Kim  25:34

Yeah. Like, have some comparison. You know, Pam and I have talked before about when she and I would present together, we would map out a plan, and then, you know, we'd watch each other, and we kind of stand in the back, like, "Huh, that is not what I pictured." Or, "Huh, like she added (unclear)..."


Pam  25:49

Not what I would have done. Yeah, yeah. 


Kim  25:51

And then it gives you something to think about, right? It's not about better or it's wrong. It's just a way to analyze teacher moves and reflect. Which is super important to perfecting our craft. 


Pam  26:02

Well, and, Kim. Oh, go ahead. Finish your sentence.


Kim  26:04

Well, I was going to say are you consistent? Did throughout the lesson you say, "I'm going to use my thumb signal for private signal," and then did you fall away during the lesson? And you can just remind yourself every time, just, "Oh, private signal again." Yeah, I think that'd be fantastic PD to do with your teacher friend.


Pam  26:23

Amen. And what I was just going to say a second ago was those discussions that you and I had after presenting is kind of how this podcast came about. 


Kim  26:31



Pam  26:31

Because Sue would listen in on us, discussing what we learned from each other and ask each other like, "Why did you do that?" And, you know, as we sort of dig into each other and kind of under each other's thinking and our perceptions and everything. And she's like, "You know, I think people would listen to you guys discuss this stuff." And she's kind of the one that talked us into the podcast. So, Sue, thanks for that. We love it. Alright, ya'll, hopefully you got something out of my wonderful experience by having the opportunity to teach some students working in real classrooms, where you could think about some of the teacher moves that might be the most important teacher move that you could work on right now. And ya'll thank you for tuning in and teaching more and more real math to find out more about the Math is Figure-Out-Able movement, visit And keep spreading the word that Math is Figure-Out-Able!