Math is Figure-Out-Able!

#MathStratChat - September 18, 2024

Pam Harris, Kim Montague

In today’s MathStratChat, Pam and Kim discuss the MathStratChat problem shared on social media on September 18, 2024. 

Note: It’s more fun if you try to solve the problem, share it on social media, comment on others strategies, before you listen to Pam and Kim’s strategies.

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Pam  00:00

Hey, fellow mathematicians! Welcome to the podcast where Math is Figure-Out-Able. I'm Pam.


Kim  00:06

And I'm Kim.


Pam  00:07

And this is a MathStratChat episode where we chat about our math strategies. Ya'll, every week, I throw out a math problem on social media, and people from around the world chat about the strategies they use and comment on each other's thinking.


Kim  00:20

So, this Wednesday, our problem was 16% of 25. How would you solve this problem? Pause the podcast. Solve however you'd like. The problem is 16% of 25.


Pam  00:32

Alright, Kimberly.


Kim  00:35



Pam  00:36

I was going to... Hopefully, you were going to call me Pamela. 


Kim  00:38



Pam  00:39

When I was in Australia, some people were like, "Does it bother you when Kim calls you Pamela?" No, it's actually funny. 


Kim  00:46

Do I care? 


Pam  00:49

The only other person that calls me Pamela is my mom, but she calls me Pamela.


Kim  00:52

Pamela. Yeah, it's...


Pam  00:55



Kim  00:55

It's usually when I'm like, "Okay, we're about to have long conversations. Pamela." 


Pam  01:01

Pamela. You're about to read me the riot act. (unclear).


Kim  01:04

No! No! Like, "Hey, we have serious things to discuss. Pamela..." 


Pam  01:08

Okay, I'm going to go first.


Kim  01:10



Pam  01:10

And I'm going to say that to find 16% of anything, I could find 10% of that thing. Add it to 5% of that thing. And then 1%. 10%, 5%, and 1% is going to give me 16. So, 10% of 25, I'm calling 2.5. And half of that is 5%. And half of 2.5 is 1.25. I'm going to... No, then I'm going to find 1%. 1% of 25 is a quarter, 0.25, 25/100. So, I'm going to add the 25/100 to the 1.25. That's $1.50. I'm just thinking in money. And $2.50 and $1.50 is... I can do it. 4. So, I think 16% of 25 is 4. Yeah, that's my final answer. 


Kim  02:01

Final answer. 


Pam  02:02

Alright, what are you going to do? You're going to do the easier thing. You're welcome. I left it for you. 


Kim  02:06

Well, yeah, I know what you want me to do, and I kind of don't want to do it, but I will. 


Pam  02:09

Oh, rude.


Kim  02:09

For the sake of...


Pam  02:10

Well, you can do what you want to do, and then I can do it. What you think I want you to do. I don't even know how to say that. Do something, Kim.


Kim  02:18

Okay, so... Yeah. So, I'm going to... I know that you can use the commutative property to think about 25% of 16.


Pam  02:32



Kim  02:32

And 25% is a fourth of a number. And a fourth of 16 is 4.


Pam  02:37

Bam. Did you want to do something else? Yeah, I did. What was the other thing? What did you want to do? 


Kim  02:44

You know, I'm not going to say all the things, but I was thinking about Over. Because, you know, I do like to think about Over. But I don't think we should say how to think about Over for that one. I think we should just lob that out and let somebody else think about it.


Pam  02:54

Well, now you've me thinking about Over. Huh. Okay. I'll think about it. 


Kim  02:59



Pam  02:59



Kim  03:01

We can't wait to see what you guys do every single week. Join us on...


Pam  03:04

Somebody use Over, and put it out on social media, so we can see it. Do it. Do it. Do it.


Kim  03:10

Join us on MathStratChat every week, and let us know how you think about problems. Comment on each other's strategies while you're there.


Pam  03:17

And if you put the Over strategy, then I will have a... I'm still thinking. Okay, anyway. We post the problems on Wednesdays at 7pm Central. When you answer, tag me, and use the hashtag MathStratChat, then join us here to hear how we're thinking about the problem. And keep making math more and more figure-out-able.