Math is Figure-Out-Able!
Math teacher educator Pam Harris and her cohost Kim Montague answer the question: If not algorithms, then what? Join them for ~15-30 minutes every Tuesday as they cast their vision for mathematics education and give actionable items to help teachers teach math that is Figure-Out-Able. See www.MathisFigureOutAble.com for more great resources!
Math is Figure-Out-Able!
Ep 231: Systems of Equations with Substitution
Should high school mathematicians be given choice of which strategy to use? In this episode Pam and Kim wrap up their exploration of systems of equations.
Talking Points:
- What is needed to understand 3x?
- Where students mess up using substitution
- How do different systems lend themselves to different strategies?
- Ketchup problems
- Next step Problem Strings and comparing strategies
- Giving students choice
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Pam 00:00
Hey, fellow mathers! Welcome to the podcast where Math is Figure-Out-Able! I'm Pam Harris, a former mimicker turned mather.
Kim 00:08
And I'm Kim, a reasoner who now knows how to share her thinking with others. At Math is Figure-Out-Able, we are on a mission to improve math teaching.
Pam 00:15
This time, I didn't (unclear).
Kim 00:16
I know. I did it on purpose because last week I wasn't paying attention to you.
Pam 00:20
We know that algorithms are amazing achievements, but they're not good teaching tools because mimicking step-by-step procedures actually trap students into using less sophisticated reasoning than the problems are intended to develop.
Kim 00:32
In this podcast, we help teach math...help you teach mathing. Ugh.
Pam 00:37
Something somewhere.
Kim 00:37
Building relationships with your students and grappling with mathematical relationships.
Pam 00:42
Ya'll, we invite you to join us to make math more figure-out-able. Alright, Kim.
Kim 00:47
Pam 00:48
This one's starting out great. It's fantastic. This is going to be super, super fun.
Kim 00:55
Oh, man.
Pam 00:58
How's it going?
Kim 00:58
It's... It's... Yeah, we're good. Okay, you know what? Shelly Gilbert sent us a message.
Pam 01:04
Hey, Shelly!
Kim 01:05
And said, "I've been listening to you and learning from you for a while now. I'm a retired public school teacher and now teach some math content and methods classes at the University of Findlay."
Pam 01:16
Kim 01:17
"I pulled a book off my shelf that I used as a middle school teacher, and it was your Building Powerful Numeracy book. It took me all this time to make the connection. I've been using Problem Strings, As Close As It Gets, etc. for years, and when I stumbled onto the podcast, I thought it was wonderful to hear someone talk about these ideas." Isn't that great? "I guess you talking about your ideas is not so unusual." Isn't that amazing?
Pam 01:41
That's awesome. Oh, that is so stinkin' fun.
Kim 01:43
Yeah. She said, "Thank you for sharing your passion with math. You've made me a better teacher, and I hope a better preparer of future teachers. Kindly, Shelly." I love that. So fun.
Pam 01:51
Shelly, you're amazing. You're exemplifying Kim and I often are doing something, and all of a sudden we're like, "Oh, wait, duh." Sure enough.
Kim 01:59
Pam 01:59
Well, I'm glad you've enjoyed Building Powerful Numeracy in your middle school class, and as you teach teachers.
Kim 02:04
Pam 02:05
Fantastic. Yeah, you're going to also enjoy Developing Mathematical Reasoning - Avoiding the Trap of Algorithms because...
Kim 02:11
It's so good!
Pam 02:12
That's a bit more K-12. A bit more? It is. It's totally K-12. And so, yeah, use that in your methods classes. Oh, in fact. Any university folks out there know that you can totally like give us a holler, and we'll help set you up to use our Developing Mathematical Reasoning workshop in your methods classes. We've got lots of professors using it for like assignments and asking questions about it. Totally free. We're just really trying to spread the word that Math is Figure-Out-Able. Bam! Alright, Kim. That was awesome. Thank you for sharing. That's super fun. Thanks, Shelly. So, the last few weeks, we've been doing some solving equations and creating mental maps of relationships. We've been using double open number line. Last week, we really kind of talked about a way. And you had super a lot of fun with that. A way of using a context to develop what a system of equations even is.
Kim 03:06
Pam 03:06
And how you can add equations in a system and still get something that's in the system that has the same intersection point. And how you can kind of make sense of that. Today, I'd like to dive into a little bit of a different side of systems of equations, and I want to develop something that would be helpful for students in solving systems. So, a first thing that we would need to do before we do what we do today...I'm just going to mention. We're not actually going to do it. But I'm going to mention...is that we would need to reify...big word. I'll explain in just a minute...things like 3x. So, when a kid looks at 3x, they need to have a lot of things happening simultaneously, sort of built on each other, so that then they can use 3x as an object. So, we need things like 3x stands for x plus x plus x. An additive perspective. Ideally, kids would then also connect that to the multiplicative aspect of three times something. So, that thing plus that thing plus that thing, but it has 3 of those things. But then we also need to not be like in the weeds with that x plus x plus x or that 3 times x, and be able to use 3x as a thing, like it's an object, like we're treating it as this thing is 3x. But I need to be able to dig into it and feel the additive or the multiplicative notion of it. So, all that kind of needs to be happening in order for us to do the following. We're not talking about how we're doing that today. You can go listen to a few episodes ago where we did some of that, where we were like reflected 3x or -3x across the 0. That's in part, part of that work was happening. Anyway, alright, so moving on. Today, Kim, join me in a lovely Problem String. We are going to use a double open number line. Well, I'm going to use it. You don't have to, but I am. So, if I were to say to you... Let me just say. We have done the work of the last few weeks. So, if you haven't watched the last few weeks, go watch the last few weeks. Here we are. If I said, hey, Kim. I've got this equation x plus 3y equals 8. We might have a brief conversation about what that could mean. What... You know, is it a parabola? Is it a exponential function? Do you have any idea what kind of graph this is?
Kim 05:33
X plus 3y?
Pam 05:34
Kim 05:35
Equals 8. It's a line?
Pam 05:37
That is correct. So, with a question mark there? "It's a line?"
Kim 05:40
It's a line.
Pam 05:40
It's a line. Okay.
Kim 05:41
I was making sure I knew what your question was.
Pam 05:43
Oh, yeah.
Kim 05:44
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Pam 05:45
Read my mind. Read my mind.
Kim 05:46
Well, you said it. I was just drawing. You told me what. You told me, and I started messing, and then I forgot you were still talking.
Pam 05:54
You forgot you were on a podcast, and we're recording. Okay.
Kim 05:56
Oh, my. This is going to be a mess today. I can tell you right now. It's a mess.
Pam 06:00
Well, let's just keep messing. Let's keep messing together.
Kim 06:03
Okay, I'm with you. It's a line.
Pam 06:04
So, if we have a line x plus 3y equals 8. Just for today. Just because I'm just sort of curious. y
Kim 06:09
Pam 06:10
To solve for x.
Kim 06:11
Pam 06:12
Okay, so I'm going to use a double open number line, which you might say is totally weird. And I'm going to put, if we know x plus 3y equals 8, we also know that 3x plus... Sorry. X plus 3y is in the same location as 8.
Kim 06:25
Pam 06:26
So, I've got a double open number line. I've got a tick mark right in the middle. Above it, I've got x plus 3y. Below it, I've got 8.
Kim 06:32
Pam 06:32
I want to know where x is. If x plus 3y is there, where's x? At least in relation to that 8.
Kim 06:40
Pam 06:40
What do you got?
Kim 06:41
I'm thinking that before I added 3y...
Pam 06:45
Kim 06:45
...x is to the left.
Pam 06:48
Because then you're going to add 3y, right?
Kim 06:50
Mmhm, mmhm.
Pam 06:51
Over there to the right. I've kind of drawn x to the left of that, and I draw a little jump, and I've put 3y above that jump. Okay.
Kim 06:59
So, then below my number line I'm writing 8 minus 3y because if I jump back the same amount as I jumped the 3y on the top. So, I have now on my number line x is in the same location as 8 minus 3y.
Pam 07:15
Nice. And we can kind of use the relationships of the location to kind of think about that. Bam, nicely done. That's it.
Kim 07:24
We're done? That's the whole string?
Pam 07:25
With that... No with that problem.
Kim 07:26
Oh, I was like, "Wow. I did great!"
Pam 07:30
Yes, you did...with problem number one. Number two. Alright, what if the equation of the line is x minus 3y equals 2.
Kim 07:39
Pam 07:40
So, new number line. Whole new problem. Not related to the other one in anyway. X minus 3y I've now put above the number line where the tick mark is and 2 is below. And again, I want to solve for x. Where is X?
Kim 07:53
So, before I subtracted 3y, x would have been to the right. So, I'm adding 3y. Like...
Pam 08:01
Kim 08:01
...jump of 3y.
Pam 08:02
Kim 08:03
And so, I'm doing that on the bottom as well, so I have 2 plus 3y is in the same location as x.
Pam 08:09
So, over on my equations over there, I could write, so if x minus 3y is 2, then x is going to be equal or in the same location to 2 plus 3y.
Kim 08:17
Pam 08:18
Nice. Next problem. What about 2x plus y equals 3, but this time I want to know where y is. So, if 2x plus y is in the same location as 3, where's just y?
Kim 08:37
So, same thing. I'm thinking about before I added y. So, I'm going to subtract y. I'm going to go to the left.
Pam 08:45
But I want to know where y is.
Kim 08:46
Oh, I lied. So, I'm going to subtract 2x.
Pam 08:49
Kim 08:50
And that's going to put y to the left of 2x plus y.
Pam 08:56
Kim 08:57
And then I'm going to subtract 2x from the 3 to kind of slide it to the same location as y.
Pam 09:03
Kim 09:03
So, I have 3 minus 2x.
Pam 09:05
So, y is in the same location as 3 minus 2x.
Kim 09:08
Pam 09:08
Nice. Okay. Next question. How about 3x minus y equals 9?
Kim 09:17
Pam 09:17
Okay, tell us what your number line looks like.
Kim 09:20
3x minus y is on the top. 9 is at the bottom.
Pam 09:24
Kim 09:24
You said solve for y?
Pam 09:25
Yep, y again.
Kim 09:27
Okay, so 3x minus y. You said solve y? Oh, okay, so... Oh.
Pam 09:39
You can do it, you can do it.
Kim 09:40
I can do it. I can do it. So, I want to like have 3x plus y somehow.
Pam 09:50
Kim 09:52
So, before I subtracted y... 3x minus y. Why is this hard for me?
Pam 10:03
Uh, because it's hard.
Kim 10:09
So, I want 3x to be to the right. I mean... Yeah, to the right.
Pam 10:15
Kim 10:16
And then I want 3x plus y to be even further to the right.
Pam 10:20
3x plus y. 3x... Why do you want 3x to be to the right?
Kim 10:24
I don't know.
Pam 10:25
Say that again.
Kim 10:26
Like, because I was thinking about before I subtracted y, then it would be 3x plus y.
Pam 10:33
So, you're going to the right y. And you're at 3x plus y on the top. And you would be at 9 plus y on the bottom.
Kim 10:41
Pam 10:42
Kim 10:43
Is that good enough?
Pam 10:46
Wait. But when you... Hold on a second. Subtracted y. Wouldn't you just be 3x on the top?
Kim 10:54
Before I subtract? Well, that's what I said at first. If I have 3x, and I would have...
Pam 11:02
Maybe I wrote it down wrong. What do you... Tell me what your number line has.
Kim 11:05
I have 3x minus y on top and 9 at the bottom.
Pam 11:07
Kim 11:09
But I want to think about before I subtracted y.
Pam 11:12
Kim 11:15
So, then I would have 3x on the top.
Pam 11:18
Kim 11:19
And 9 plus y on the bottom.
Pam 11:21
Yeah, I heard you wrong. So, that's excellent. I like where you are. Okay.
Kim 11:24
Pam 11:24
Good, okay. Sorry, my bad.
Kim 11:28
And then what am I looking for? I want to know what y is?
Pam 11:30
Y. Yeah, where's y?
Kim 11:31
Whew! Okay.
Pam 11:32
You're doing great. You now know where 9 plus y is, but we just want to know y.
Kim 11:36
I want just y, so I'm going to subtract 9...
Pam 11:40
Kim 11:40
...and I'm going to go back to the left.
Pam 11:42
Kim 11:43
And I've got... I'm going to do subtract 9 to the 3x also. So, I have y is 3x minus 9.
Pam 11:50
So, y is now in the same location as 3x minus 9.
Kim 11:53
Yeah, mmhm.
Pam 11:54
Yeah. What do you think?
Kim 11:59
Pam 11:59
You're done.
Kim 12:00
Pam 12:01
Why would we do this string? It seems really random that we would just like solve. Well, one of the solution methods to solve a system of equations is to solve for one variable...
Kim 12:15
Pam 12:16
...and then use that in the other equation. And then you can find the value of that one variable, and then you can find the value of the other one, and you can find the intersection point.
Kim 12:24
Pam 12:25
But often, if kids are going to use this substitution method, often one of the things I found with my students that they would mess up is in the solving for one variable. So, teachers, you might consider a sequence of tasks where I would do something like we did last week in maybe a couple of contexts. One we just did with the sandwiches and the cookies where you really give students a sense of what it actually means to even be a system of equations. So, go back and listen to that one again if you didn't. But really just like a sense of this system of equations, it is a system if there is a... Well, I can't quite say it that way. I was going to say if there is an intersection point. You can have a system of equations that there is no solution or that there's an indeterminate solution. But if there is a solution, an intersection point, what does that mean? Oh, and brilliant. You know, I probably should have asked last week when we were talking about the sandwich shop. What does it mean if there wasn't an intersection? And I don't know, Kim, if you want to go there. If I had given you a price of sandwich or a number of sandwiches, number of cookies equals a price. And then a different number of sandwiches, number of cookies equals a different price. And when you graph them, there was no intersection. Do you have any ideas with that would mean?
Kim 13:36
I mean, it either means I'm at a different sandwich shop or they changed the price because they don't have a consistent price.
Pam 13:43
Yeah. Nice.
Kim 13:44
Pam 13:45
So, with all of that to develop, when you get to the point where you want kids to get a feel for solving with substitution, I think you could first just give students systems where one of the variables has a coefficient of 1. Well, maybe very first, where it's already solved. For that variable, they can just take the x. We already have what x equals. Plug it in the other one. Solve for the system. Then you could give it where the coefficient is 1. So, they still have to do a little solving, but it's just the coefficient is 1. Kind of like the first couple that I gave you.
Kim 14:21
Pam 14:21
Well, actually, all of the ones I gave you today, except some of them had... One of them had a negative coefficient.
Kim 14:27
Pam 14:27
And then you would want to do more solving equations work, so that they get kind of that idea of dividing if they need to divide out the coefficient before you ever ask them to then do it where they're actually solving the system where things aren't quite as complicated. It's not about making it easy to hard. It's about sort of a systemic progression where kids are thinking about this makes sense. Now, I have some great Problem Strings in Algebra Problem Strings and Advanced Algebra Problem Strings where the question then is given this system, how do you want to solve it? And then you give kids free reign, and then you have the conversation. What is it about this system that made you want to use elimination? What is it about this system that made you want to use substitution? Or use graphing? I'll just finish that. And go ahead.
Kim 15:14
Can I tell you that when my oldest... What grade is this going to be? I don't even know. But I remember him...
Pam 15:19
This is Algebra 1 or Algebra 2.
Kim 15:21
Pam 15:21
Is that what you mean?
Kim 15:22
So, it might have been Algebra 2 because I remember him having, you know, a paper that said, "You must solve these with substitution." And then, "You must solve these with elimination." And he and I are both like, "Wait, what? Why?"
Pam 15:32
Kim 15:33
There were some where it... Yeah, there were some for sure...like, I'm kind of going back in the recesses of my brain...that he was like, "But it's so much better to do it the other way?" Like, "Do I have to what the directions say?"
Pam 15:44
Yeah, yeah. Nice point. And I love the fact that he knew that he should have choice.
Kim 15:49
Pam 15:49
So, teachers right now might be thinking, "Yeah, but, Pam, how do we..." Or, "Kim, how do we make sure that students can do a method?"
Kim 15:55
Oh, oh! I know. I know.
Pam 15:57
Alright, go, go, go, go.
Kim 15:58
I mean, wouldn't we want to give them problems for where they would choose? Like, sometimes you want to give them problems where elimination is like the obvious, "Do that." And then sometimes you do it where the substitution was like the obvious, "Do that." And so...
Pam 16:10
And then have a conversation...
Kim 16:11
Pam 16:12
...about like if kids are stuck, then you're like, "Ooh, look how nice this would have been."
Kim 16:15
Pam 16:15
Gives them an opportunity to go, "Oh, yeah. That would have been nice." And your last one which was give them... I think you were going to say give them ones where it's a toss up. They can do either. And then they can choose.
Kim 16:25
Well, and if they're using the same like substitution every time, that might be a sign that like maybe they don't really own or (unclear).
Pam 16:34
Yeah. And then maybe you could do a... Sure. And then maybe you could do a Problem String where you really focus on the one that many of your students are struggling with. You could also... This is totally where I thought you were going to go. Kim, we're just planning a Live Math with Pam...help me...event with our Journey group. And one of the things that we're talking about are really cool assessment items. And one of those really cool types of assessments, I call ketchup problems. And this would be a fantastic time to do a ketchup problem. Pam, what's a ketchup problem? So, picture. You're doing your homework. And you're eating fries because, yum, fries. And you drop ketchup on your homework. And you you get up the next day. You don't realize it. You get up the next day, and you're going to turn your homework in. You're like, "Oh, crumb. I dropped ketchup." And so, you're trying to like fill in the blanks where the ketchup..." (unclear). But where the ketchup splattered all over your homework, you got to like write in what you've missed. That's just the way.... That's why I call them ketchup problems. But literally, you could give students a system, and you could solve it. So, it's a tweak on a previously saw or showing a strategy that someone else did. So, solve the system. You want kids to work on elimination? Fine, solve it using elimination, but put blanks. Put splotches and say to the kids, "Fill in what needs to be here in order for this solution to work." Vice versa, use substitution. Solve it, but put blanks in really nice places that kids have to... That's a way of instead of... Now, see if Luke got that. Or, I think it's Luke. If he got that assignment, he would have been like, "Oh, okay. My job here is to fill in the relationships that this student used to solve the problem." It isn't, "You must use this strategy to solve this problem, even though you can totally tell there's a better one right now." Right? So, it's it's a lot more agency involved, I think, when we allow students to use what they know to solve problems. But in order to help them not get stuck in a method that we know is not going to be the best one forever, we can then use a ketchup problem to kind of help them follow the thinking, and fill in sort of the relationships that were used in that thinking. Does that make sense?
Kim 18:43
Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
Pam 18:44
Yeah, bam. Alright.
Kim 18:46
You know what I'm stuck on? I know you want to end, but...
Pam 18:48
It's alright.
Kim 18:48
But I'm going to pause us for a second because I'm stuck on the fact that the fourth problem...
Pam 18:53
Kim 18:54
...was harder for me to think about relationally. And I'm looking at the problems that you gave me.
Pam 18:59
Kim 19:00
And I think it has everything to do with the fact that the y was being subtracted.
Pam 19:06
Kim 19:06
That's a different problem. Like.
Both Pam and Kim 19:09
Pam 19:10
Kim 19:11
That's noteworthy that it's not all the same...
Pam 19:15
Difficulty level?
Kim 19:16
Yeah. It feels like it's related to like problem types for me (unclear).
Pam 19:20
Oh, I like it. I like it. I think that sounds very nice. And it would be a reason why we could do this Problem String, and we might not be done. We might need to do another Problem String where maybe there's a -x involved.
Kim 19:33
Pam 19:33
And then some discussion. A huge discussion about when do you want to use substitution, and when do you want to use elimination. Because if there's a lot of coefficients going on, how about if we don't do substitution? Like all that dividing. Especially if you end up with fraction coefficients. Like, crazy. Like, there might be a better strategy at that point to try, at least. At least to consider.
Kim 19:55
Pam 19:56
And when is it crazy enough that you just want to throw it in calculator and find the intersection point?
Kim 20:00
Yeah, mmhm.
Pam 20:01
And making sure kids know that there are those choices. You know, it's funny. Kim, last, and then we're going to go. Sometimes people will look at the work that we're doing in the elementary school with numeracy, and they'll say, "Pam, Pam, Pam. Why are you giving kids all these choices? There's one and only one way." When, look. Here we are in high school math when there is... Like, this is a perfect example of where we in higher math have been demanding kids learn different strategies. We haven't done a very good job of letting them choose often. But we can. We can. We are teaching strategies. Maybe try not to teach them as procedures to memorize. And then we can give them choices and build mathematicians. Alright, ya'll, thank you for tuning in and teaching more and more real math. To find out more about the Math is Figure-Out-Able movement, visit mathisfigureoutable.com. Let's keep spreading the word that Math is Figure-Out-Able!